Recent sightings 8th - 10th May

Highlights include, Turtle dove, Black tern and Little ringed plover

British Steel Hide

Large numbers of Shelduck can still be seen feeding out on the estuary. Whimbrel can usually be seen from the steel hide at high tide. On the path from the center to the steel hide, a Turtle Dove was seen on Wednesday. A pair of Little ringed plover have made regular appearances on the Dafen scrapes. The Gargany pair have also been seen regularly feeding on the edge of the Dafen scrapes. A Black Tern was seen flying over the salt marsh earlier in the week.

Millennium Wetlands

The Swan pair on Deep water lake has 10 Cygnets. Tufted duck, Gadwall, Pochard and Shoveler are regular sights around the reserve often seen in pairs. Lapwings and their chicks are seen around the main islands feeding. Large numbers of Black-tailed Godwit continue to congregate on both Deep water lake and the Western scrapes, with the males showing off their orange breeding plumage. Marsh harriers, Sparrowhawk, Goshawk and Buzzard have been seen regularly across the reserve.

Our warblers and song birds are regular regular sounds around the northern loop and the reedbed, Sedge, Reed, Cetti's warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Whitethroat and Lesser whitethroat.

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