Recent sightings 8th - 11th December

Good numbers of birds on the saline lagoons and plenty sighted across the wetlands recently

British Steel Hide

Good numbers of birds on the saline lagoons recently including 275 Black-tailed Godwit, 50 Curlew, 30 Dunlin, 10 Redshank and 12 Greenshank. Also spotted have been large numbers of Wigeon - 86, Greylag Geese 72, as well as Little Grebe, Tufted Duck, Shelduck, Little Egret and Heron. The Spoonbill continues to be seen daily, and the 3 Avocet are still with us aswell. On Monday we had sightings of 2 Kingfisher so keep an eye out on top of the posts, as well as 2 Buzzards. This morning there was also a Great White Egret on the lagoons.

Millennium Wetlands

Plenty sighted across the wetlands recently, on deep water lake there have been good numbers of Gadwall, Teal, Mallard, Tufted Duck and Shoveler. Now the western scrapes have been filling up it has brought plenty of invertebrates up to the surface, attracting good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit feeding in the area visible from the Heron's Wing hide. In bringing the Godwits to the area it also attracts predators, which has resulted in sightings of both male and female Hen Harrier over the past couple of days so keep an eye out for those as well. A Short-eared Owl was also spotted late Monday afternoon hunting over deep water lake.

WWT stock image of Black-tailed Godwit.

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