Recent sightings 8th - 11th September

British Steel Hide

Our regular wading birds are here in high numbers with Black-tailed godwit, Greenshank and Redshank. Ruff and Knot are also spotted frequently as well as a few Spotted Redshank. 10 Shoveler, 20 Wigeon and 15 Pintail have also been spotted. A Sparrowhawk has also been seen over the salt marshes. High numbers of Little Egret this week with 77 being spotted. 10 Sand Martens have also been seen getting ready for their southern migration. Regular sightings of Common Sandpiper are seen on the Dafen Scrapes.


Photo credit Russ Myners

Millennium Wetlands

There is a wide variety of waterfowl to be seen, including 135 Gadwall, as well as numerous Tufted Ducks, Teal and the occasional Wigeon. Water Rail has also been heard around the Deep Water Lake screens and near the Welsh Water Hide. Lapwing are also a common occurrence with 40 being seen from the Herons Wing Hide daily. We are still getting regular signs of Otter in the area so keep on the look out. In the afternoons, 22 Little Egret are seen just before going off to roost. A single Merlin has also been spotted flying over the Bittern reedbed. There are also plenty sightings of our smaller song birds, including 8 Chiffchaff, 14 Long tailed Tits, Goldfinch. Both Great spotted and Green Woodpecker are regularly spotted.

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