Recent Sightings 9th - 12th November

Highlights include: Red Kite, Barn owl, Goshawk and Snipe

British Steel Hide

A Red Kite was sighted over the salt marsh as well as a diverse selection of wildfowl including Pochard, Wigeon, Gadwall, Teal, Shoveler Tufted Duck and Shelduck. Fairly quite on the Dafen scrapes recently with the only bird of interest being a snipe this may be because of recent visits from a fox. Out On the Estuary flocks of Brent Geese and Pintail have also been seen.

Millennium Wetlands

There have been increasing sightings of the Barn Owl over the Millennium Wetlands recently, as well as sightings of a Goshawk and Sparrowhawk. On the Deep Water lake you can see Little Grebe, Kingfisher, Gadwall and Water Rail.

When Walking round the grounds keep and eye and ear out for Redwing that are feeding on the Hawthorn berries scattered around. A Firecrest has been sighted a few times behind the Micheal Powell Hide.

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