Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide


Spotted Redshank And Greenshank, Cr. Rob Werran

Curlew 99

Oystercatcher 434

Lapwing 34

Redshank 15

Grey Plover 8

Dunlin 40

Greenshank 6

Spotted Redshank 2

Great White Egret (other side of the estuary but viewable with telescope)

Little Egret 8

Wigeon 51

Shoveler 2

Teal 10

Mallard 8

Gadwall 8

Tufted Duck 9

Shelduck 24

Pochard 1

Greylag Goose 37

Brent Goose 241

Cormorant 11

Black-Headed Gull 348

Herring Gull 5

Lesser Black-Backed Gull 18

Great Black-Backed Gull 2

Merlin 1

Red Kite 1

Starling 65

Pied Wagtail 1

Treecreeper 2

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