Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

High Tide, Cr. Rob Werran

Eider 32 - drifting east up the estuary

Great White Egret - Seen on the outer scrape and on the saltmarsh

Black-Tailed Godwit 43

Lapwing 25

Redshank 202

Greenshank 17

Curlew 308

Oystercatcher 45

Spotted Redshank 2

Dunlin 1

Teal 45

Shelduck 79

Gadwall 12

Mallard 16

Wigeon 62

Shoveler 4

Pochard 2

Tufted Duck 24

Goldeneye 5

Great Crested Grebe 5

Cormorant 55

Great Black-Backed Gull 3

Black-Headed Gull 123

Herring Gull 143

Lesser Black-Backed Gull 24

Greylag Goose 42

Canada Goose 7

Brent Goose 251

Moorhen 1

Water Rail 1

Little Egret 12

Grey Heron 1

Cetti's Warbler 1

Raven 1

Pied Wagtail 2

Merlin 1

Meadow Pipit 1

Goldcrest 4


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