Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Med Gulls, Cr. Rob Werran

Mediterranean Gull 134 - another new record for the reserve, thanks to Wendell Thomas and Richard Davies for the count

Black-Tailed Godwit 432

Redshank 139

Greenshank 11

Curlew 341

Whimbrel 56

Knot 4

Common Sandpiper 1

Green Sandpiper 1

Oystercatcher 4

Dunlin 6

Black-Headed Gull 1,232

Lesser Black-Backed Gull 67

Great Black-Backed Gull 2

Herring Gull 7

Little Egret 16

Grey Heron 2

Shelduck 106

Gadwall 8

Teal 4

Tufted Duck 4

Mallard 3

Coot 1

Great Crested Grebe 3

Cormorant 5

Greylag Goose 37

Mute Swan 2

Pied Wagtail 1

Meadow Pipit 1

Whitethroat 1

Swift 3

Swallow 36

Starling 60

House Martin 1

Mixed Waders and Gulls, Cr.Rob Werran



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