Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide and Observatory

Waders , Cr. Rob Werran

Yellow Wagtail 2

Wheatear 1

Wheatear, Cr. Rob Werram

Lesser Whitethroat 1

Bar-Tailed Godwit 6

Common Sandpiper 1

Black-Tailed Godwit 460

Knot 8

Redshank 18

Snipe 1

Dunlin 55

Lapwing 2

Curlew 5

Greenshank 2

Mediterranean Gull 6

Black-Headed Gull 377

Lesser Black-Backed Gull 22

Herring Gull 8

Great Black-Backed Gull 3

Little Egret 10

Grey Heron 1

Shelduck 68

Shoveler 5

Wigeon 2

Pintail 1

Teal 2

Gadwall 11

Tufted Duck 5

Mallard 3

Red Kite 1

Peregrine 2

Greylag Goose 16

Canada Goose 3

Moorhen 3

Great Crested Grebe 5

Cormorant 2

Swallow 8

Blackcap 1

Other Spring Highlights This Week

Adult Grass Snake

4 Eels

Water Shrew

Small Copper


Orange Tip

Green Veined White

Small White

Common Vetch


Cowslips, Cr. Brian Briggs

Please Note: Due to the essential maintenance work carried out last week in front of the British Steel Hide, the water levels in the two lagoons will remain very low until the next set of spring tides around the 7th of May. The birds are still around and can be seen from the British Steel hide either on the saline lagoons, behind on the NRA scrape, or from the Sir Peter Scott or Heron's Wing Hide.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,

The Reserve Team

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