Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide and Observatory

Ruff, Cr. Rob Werran

British Steel Hide and Observatory

Ruff 2

Black-Tailed Godwit 270

Black-Headed Gull 340

Knot 13

Little Egret 1

Herring Gull 6

Shelduck 45

Mediterranean Gull 1

Lesser Black-Backed Gull 48

Greylag Goose 12

Grey Heron 1

Teal 2

Gadwall 2

Shoveler 5

Pied Wagtail 1

Buzzard 1

Millennium Wetlands

Cuckoo 1

Hobby 1

Spotted Flycatcher 1

Ruff 1

Black-Tailed Godwit 208

Knot 9

Mediterranean Gull 8

Black-Headed Gull 117

Teal 2

Coot 2

Mute Swan 19 (Cygnets viewable at the lily pond and deep water lake)

Gadwall 24

Tufted Duck 26

Mallard 5

Pochard 11

Lapwing 5

Whitethroat 8

Willow Warbler 3

Shelduck 8

Moorhen 1

Little Egret 1

Goldcrest 5

Blackcap 11

Swallow 8

Lesser Whitethroat 2

Grey Heron 1

Grasshopper Warbler 2

Chiffchaff 10

Reed Warbler 9

Sedge Warbler 7

Cetti's Warbler 6

Reed Bunting 4

Little Grebe 1

Swift 2


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