Recent sightings - Highlights of the week


Millennium Wetlands

Little Grebe 3

Cormorant 4

Grey Heron 2

Mute Swan 8

Shelduck 4

Wigeon 1

Gadwall 102

Teal 35

Mallard 49

Pintail 12

Shoveler 23

Pochard 5

Tufted Duck 37

Scaup 1

Sparrowhawk 1

Water Rail 2

Moorhen 3

Coot 53

Snipe 4

Barn Owl 1

Kingfisher 1

Wren 1

Stonechat 1

Cetti's Warbler 1

Goldcrest 3

Goldfinch 18

Long-tailed Tit 4

Jay 1

Raven 2

Bullfinch 8

British Steel Hide

Little Grebe 2

Great Crested Grebe 1

Little Egret 6

Greylag 79

Wigeon 203

Gadwall 275

Teal 1

Mallard 4

Shoveler 1

Tufted Duck 6

Buzzard 2

Peregrine 1

Lapwing 720

Knot 600

Black-Tailed Godwit 150

Curlew 7

Redshank 4

Great White Egret 1


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