Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Lunar Hornet Moth


Black-Necked Grebe - 14/05/2016

Millennium Wetlands

Hobby - report of a bird seen at the Welsh Water Hide

Black-Tailed Godwit 245

Lapwing 8 - 6 adults and at least two chicks!

Ruff 1

Knot 12

Whitethroat 5

Blackcap 6

Chiffchaff 6

Cetti's Warbler 2

Reed Warbler 2

Sparrowhawk 1

Mediterranean Gull 12

Black-Headed Gull 594

Common Gull 1

Herring Gull 2

Swallow 5

House Martin  12

Swift 8

Mute Swan 6

Tufted Duck 7

Gadwall 5

Coot 2

Pochard 11 - Including 4 Ducklings

Little Grebe 2

Moorhen 3

Canada Goose 2

Shelduck 6

Lunar Hornet Moth - a species rarely seen and not usually around until much later in the summer!

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