Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands + Glossy Ibis

Siskin, Cr. Rob Werran


Glossy Ibis 1 - seen in flight around the British Steel hide before dropping out of site near the observatory.

Weekly Highlights

Mallard 38

Gadwall 12

Shoveler 18

Teal 23

Tufted Duck 21

Pochard 2

Coot 13

Moorhen 4

Water Rail 3

Shelduck 11

Little Grebe 1

Greylag Goose 6

Mute Swan 6

Grey Heron 3

Little Egret 2

Cormorant 11

Snipe 6

Lapwing 39

Black-Tailed Godwit 19

Curlew 20

Herring Gull 3

Raven 2

Barn Owl 1

Tawny Owl 1

Buzzard 1

Meadow Pipit 1

Reed Bunting 2

Skylark 1

Stonechat 2

Goldcrest 1

Cetti's Warbler 2

Siskin 6

Starling 1

Lesser Redpoll 12

Green woodpecker 1

Redwing 3

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