Recent Wildlife Sightings

Hawkmoth caterpillar

British Steel Hide 13/09/15

Kingfisher 1

Dunlin 5

Ruff 2

Black-tailed Godwit 20

Marsh Harrier 2

Redshank 229

Grey Plover 1

Knot 18

Lapwing 36

Wigeon 30

Lesser Black-backed Gull 3

Herring Gull 18

Grey Heron 1

Stonechat 1

Greylag 35

Cormorant 5

Black-headed Gull 30

Garganey 1

Gadwall 8


Deep Water Lake (Millennium Wetlands)  14/09/15

Snipe 2

Teal 20

Shoveler 13

Mallard 9

Cormorant 6

Tufted Duck 6

Moorhen 2

Gadwall 12

Coot 6

Mute Swan 8

Water Rail 1


Other recent wildlife sightings in the Millennium Wetlands

Grass Snake 4

Slow Worm 4

Elephant Hawk Moth

Hornet Hoverfly

Painted Ladies

Golden Ringed Dragonfly

Lots of Water Vole activity

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