Red Kite

Another excellent day for raptors with a juvenile Red Kite new in which spent most of the morning on site being follwed by the resident Marsh Harriers and Buzzards, both keeping a close eye on the new visitor. Other raptor totals for the day 5 Marsh Harrier, 15+ Common Buzzard, 2 juv Peregrine, 3+ Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Red Kite chasing Marsh Harrier (T. Disley)

Common Buzzard, Carrion Crow, Marsh Harrier and Red Kite (T. Disley)

Other sightings included a Cetti's Warbler singing near Ron Barker Hide. Both Blackcap and Chiffchaff with the latter singing still.

Still good numbers of Snipe with at least 200 also 70+ Ruff and 1000 Lapwing.

The first returning Pochard on the Mere in the last couple of days with a pair being seen, also a few Tufted Duck and 80+ Pintail, 100+ Shoveler, 800+ Teal

A count of 3000+ Pink-footed Goose early morning. 4-5 Whooper Swan seen but the first returning family groups from Iceland due any day now.

One of 3 Kestrels around today (A. Bunting)

Please call in to the In Focus shop to report your sightings or for any information on where to see birds on site.

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