Red Kite

Bird of the day was a Red Kite seen distantly from Hale Hide, other raptor sightings today include a 2nd cal year Marsh Harrier, a female Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, several Common Buzzard and 4 Kestrel.

A breeding plumaged Dunlin is still on the Mere with a female Ruff, also 3+ Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Oystercatcher and Avocet.

A Cuckoo was seen from the Harrier Hide mid afternoon, this is probably the best are at the moment for Cuckoos on site.

A noticeable increase in Swift today with at least 30+ also House Martin, Sand Martin seen along with good numbers of Swallows.

Still 3 Whooper Swan (2 ad + 1 2nd cal year) on the Mere which will be with us throughout the summer.

Just off site a pair of Yellow Wagtail along Curlew Lane this morning

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