Recent sightings 3rd - 5th April

Highlights include, Whooper swan, Willow warbler and Sparrowhawk

British Steel Hide

6 Spoonbill continue to be seen out on the salt marsh with two showing breeding plumage. 136 Shelduck have been seen on the estuary, with some pairs showing an interest in breeding on the Dafen scrapes. We continue to get a variety of waders seen from the steel hide including Knot, Redshank, Greenshank and 221 Black-tailed godwit. On Thursday and Friday we have had a lone Whooper swan feeding out on the Saltmarsh. The Smew continues to make appearances feeding in along the edge of the saline lagoons.

Millennium Wetlands

Large numbers of Black-tailed godwits continue to roost on Deep water lake, with 420 being seen on Friday. We continue to get a range of duck species seen including, Tufted duck, Pochard, Teal, Shoveler and Gadwall. The Mute swans have begun building nests so hopefully in a few weeks time we will have some cygnets around the reserve. 17 Lapwing have been seen nesting on Deep water lake so we are hopeful for a successful breeding season from them. A pair of Sparrowhawks have been seen performing courtship displays by the Welsh water hide.

Large numbers of Sand martins, Swallows and House martins have started to arrive. Willow warbler has also begun to sing around the reserve, adding to daily warbler chorus of Chiffchaff, Cetti's and Blackcap.

The Otter was seen on Friday morning from the otter sign by the Lilly pond. A fox was also seen exploring the western scrapes on Wednesday.

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