Ring-billed Gull!!!

A bit like busses you wait ages then two come along at once. Ok, this probably doesn't quite work for this scenario but last year on the 19th March an adult Ring-billed Gull was found in front of the Harrier Hide and was present for less than an hour. There had been no records of this species for over 20 years.

Cut to today, another adult Ring-billed Gull was found floating alone on the Mere. Unfortunately after just a couple of minutes it took flight and headed west, lost to view around 12.10. There is a very good chance this is the same bird from last year making another pit stop.

Showed well but briefly. Adult Ring-billed Gull (Andy Bunting)

Also new for the year a Great Egret dropped in, also for only a couple of minutes.

The Bittern could be heard booming again from both the Harrier Hide and from near the Sewage Works. A Great-crested Grebe was new for the year, in front of the Harrier Hide.

At least 3 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 6+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

See previous sightings for a fuller picture.

Ring-billed Gull, there it goes, will it be seen again this year at Martin Mere?

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