Ringed Plover and Red Knot

A few of our scarcer wintering wader species were spotted again today, birds new for the year in bold, we have now recorded 91 species.

Glossy Ibis

The Glossy Ibis roosted on the reserve, it went out at 07:56am this morning to the entrance road fields to feed for the day, it favours the canal side field N of the entrance road, near to the barns. Park at the WWT car park and walk back up, take care if viewing from the road.

White-fronted Geese

At least 132 Russian and two Greenland White-fronted Geese were feeding in the Ox Piece this morning, many of these birds moved to the Dumbles around midday and early afternoon.

The Dumbles

The out of season Ringed Plover was again with Dunlin, two Little Stints also accompanied the flock. Two Peregrine Falcons were seen on and off through the day. On the morning high tide a gathering of 37 Great Black-backed Gull, 115 Curlew, 4 Dark-bellied Brent, 3 Cormorant and c140 Wigeon along the foreshore. Three Grey Plover were noted with the Curlew. The immature Spoonbill was seen in flight a couple of times and also feeding in the low tide pools and channels as viewed from the Estuary Tower. Ten Bewick's Swans were feeding in the saltmarsh puddles of which 4 were juveniles (100 counted today, at least 111 seen yesterday).

A couple of Fieldfare and a Redwing were in the hedge below the hide and Water Rail and Cetti's Warbler were heard.

The Tack Piece

A Chiffchaff fed in the brambles near Robbie Garnett Hide, the Marsh Harrier made repeated visits through the day putting all the birds up. At least 800 Teal, 1000+ Wigeon, 1700 Golden Plover, 500 Dunlin, 1000+ Lapwing, 300 Black-tailed Godwit, 20 Ruff, 30 Redshank, a few Snipe and three Red Knot were seen.

Martin Smith Hide

Reed Bunting seen here this morning.

South Lake

A Green Woodpecker was on the lawns outside the Disovery Hide, six Avocet, 100s Lapwing, the immature Spoonbill roosted here over the morning tide period, a good chance it'll do the same tomorrow.

Spinney Wood near to Zeiss Hide

A Treecreeper was in the tit flock, a Chiffchaff was near the South Finger gate.

South Finger Filter Beds

A male Sparrowhawk over and Water Rail on the rides.

Long Ground Pool (viewed from Estuary Tower)

Good for resting diving duck during the day, six Gadwall also of note and the overnight roost held a Glossy ibis, 11+ Cattle Egret, 3+ Little Egret.

Kingfisher Hide

Six Gadwall in the channel. 1000s of birds feeding on the Bottom New Piece.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

1335 Teal, 180 Wigeon and Lapwing, Balck-tailed Godwit and Dunlin feeding on the field. A Cetti's Warbler sang below the hide.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

90 Bewick's Swans at dawn included 16 juveniles, drake Mandarin, six Snipe as well as the usual gathering of wildfowl including Shelduck, Pochard, Mallard, Teal, Tufted Duck and Pintail. The Marsh Harrier hunted over the lower pond a couple of times today.

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