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Rising floods and waterfowl numbers.


Good build up of numbers here, just need a few Swans.
Tufted Duck 135
Pochard 65
Pintail 36
Redshank 3
Bewick Swan is with captive birds on Swan Lake.

Holden and Walkway

Canada Goose 240
Greylag 190
Barnacle 220
Whitefront flock to south near Kingfisher hide.
Wigeon a total 230 Including 75 on the estuary.
Teal 880 crammed into the rising water on the Tack Piece.
Shoveler 7.

Tack Piece starting to fill up with birds;
lapwing 900
Golden Plover 124 and increasing.
Redshank 7
Ruff 5
Peregrine 2 on the cross fence
Buzzard 3 scattered around.
Water rail 2 showing very well from Willow Hide.
Cettis singing near Knott Hide
Redwing 8 along sea wall.

Zeiss Hide

Whitefronted Goose 24 on Bottom New piece (from Kingfisher)
Wigeon 507
Pintail 48
Shoveler 4
Green Sandpiper 1
Snipe 26
Ruff 12
Black tailed Godwit 7
Greenshank 1
Redshank 7
Dunlin 208
Golden Plover 1
Buzzard 2 on a kill.
Water Rail calling in reeds.

South Lake

Teal 146
Shoveler 41
Tufted Duck 102
Pochard 4
Great Crested Grebe 1
Cormorant 12
Black Tailed Godwit 35

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