Rolling fog

The thick fog over the river rolled back and forth across the reserve first thing this morning making counting a bit more tricky.  High tide has pushed a nice selection of waders on to the Top New Piece.

Zeiss Hide

The roosting wader flock included 156 Golden Plover, 31 Redshank, 242 Dunlin and 619 Lapwing.  At least 6 Ruff were feeding on the slubbings at the back of the scrape.  A Cetti's Warbler was calling from the reedbed and several Reed Bunting were noted.  A further 53 Lapwing were on the Bottom New Piece with a single Redshank.

South Lake Hide

Just 40 Black-tailed Godwit were present this morning along with 2 Ruff, 121 Lapwing and a Snipe.  Duck on the deep lake included 19 Pochard and 43 Tufted Duck along with 9 Cormorant.  A total of 107 Herring Gull were on the causeway.

Robbie Garnett Hide

Around 600 Teal were on the Tack Piece along with 90 Wigeon and 9 Shoveler.

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