Look out for Gadwall

A couple of degrees warmer but we still had a little ice lingering this morning.

A couple of degrees warmer but we still had a little ice lingering this morning. Despite that our duck are starting to look at their best as they think about pairing up for the breeding season, and some of the best looking must include the Gadwall!

At least four pairs of Gadwall were on the water from the Kingfisher Hide this morning and elsewhere on the reserve several pairs can usually be seen on the Long Ground Pool from the Holden Tower and a pair of taken up residence in the Carribean Flamingo pond next to the Visitor Centre.

Rushy Hide
Two Ruff were amongst the Lapwing flock on the lower pond this morning before the wheelbarrow was out for the feed. A total of 111 Bewick’s Swans were ready and waiting along with 121 Pochard and usual numbers of other ducks.

Zeiss Hide
Several hundred Lapwing and Dunlin were along the water's edge of the Top New Piece field, with some patches of ice still present and a subsequently reduced number of Teal with only around 200 present. The rush island to the north was once dominated by Snipe but this morning was taken over by 22 roosting Ruff. Wigeon have begun returning to graze with 782 present this morning.

South Lake
A pair of Stock Dove were on the back shoreline of scrape this morning whilst on the scrape were 166 Lapwing, 4 Snipe and 26 Dunlin. The deep lake held a few duck including 18 Pochard, a pair Wigeon, a pair Pintail and 41 Tufted Duck. Other duck on the scrape included 196 Teal, 19 Shoveler and 16 Shelduck. The adult Great Crested Grebe was again on deep lake and 8 Cormorant roosting on the rails and posts.

Holden Tower
An Oystercatcher was with a small flock of 40+ Wigeon at the Pillbox Pool. The Dumbles was relatively quiet with 412 Canada Geese the main birds on show.

Willow Hide
Three Water Rail were again reported under the feeders this morning.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A flock of 18 Curlew were on the Tack Piece with more dropping in to the fields to north. Other than Lapwing the only other waders seen were 3 Redshank and Ruff amongst duck. The White-fronted Goose flock was in the Tin Shed Ground at the other end of the reserve to start the morning, but then moved here to the Tack Piece and split up to the Dumbles.

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