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Two Wood Sandpiper on Woodend Marsh by this afternoon, also 2 Dunlin. Two drake Garganey from the Ron Barker Hide.

Two Common Sandpiper (featured image) on the Mere.

Two Grasshopper Warbler reeling, one on the Reed Bed, one on Woodend Marsh.

The first Lapwing chicks are out and about with at least 5 seen.

Cuckoo active around the Reed Bed.

Pair of Med Gull on Vinson's Marsh and a 1st year bird on the Mere mid afternoon.

Two female Marsh Harrier today

Kingfisher along Boat House Sluice (back of the Mere).

Two Wheatear Langley's Fields next to the Railway Crossing.

No sign of the flying family party of 4 Whooper Swan on or off the reserve today so it looks like we watched them depart yesterday.

A dragonfly sp (chaser) was seen yesterday and a damselfly teneral.

One hundred and seventeen species of bird were recorded on the reserve in April.

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