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Saturday 24th November Sightings

Zeiss Hide

Bewicks Swan 18 from Kingfisher hide.
Whitefronted Goose 37
Barnacle Goose 231
Wigeon 314
Pochard 11
Golden Plover 115
Lapwing 1140
Dunlin 486
Ruff 9
Snipe 18
GBB Gull 48 a high count for this area.

Holden Tower

Peregrine 2 on cross fence, 3 Buzzards scattered around and at least 14 Cranes including Ruby with her two youngsters and the two un-ringed birds.

South Lake

Shoveler 59 many close to the hides.
Pochard 24 sheltering on the main lake.
Black Tailed Godwit 8 among 650 Lapwing
Snipe 13
Cormorant 8
Kingfisher 1 calling on approach to hide.


Well over 50 Bewick Swans over night, at least 70 Pochard and 55 Pintail. Lots of close Teal and a very active flock of 200 Lapwing.

Tack Piece Hides

The main scrape packed with around 600 Wigeon, 500 Teal and 250 Lapwings with 4 Redshank among them. A group of 21 Whitefronts dropped in for a drink  close to the Stephen Kirk hide. A Common Snipe showing at the Martin Smith hide and some very close wigeon and Teal but no signs yet of the Jack Snipe. The two Water rails were showing very well at the willow Hide bird feeders and a Cettis was calling nearby.

Flyovers of Redpoll and Siskin so keep an eye on the tops of the Alders and Birches and listen out for there distinctive calls.

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