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Saturday Sightings

Some good birding at the start of the day out on the perimeter of the reserve. This outer path can be accessed before the reserve opens by parking in the Car Park (8am onward, note the Car Park closes 6pm from tomorrow).

The first Green Sandpiper of the year was on the Reed Bed Pools.

A Wheatear was present in the fields next to the Railway Line this morning. Also there a flock of c.20 Corn Bunting and at least one Yellowhammer. A flock of c.40 Fieldfare were present along Marsh Moss Lane also another Corn Bunting singing on territory. A pair of Grey Partridge were also seen nearby.

Raptors today; 2 Marsh Harrier, 4+ Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

At least 4 Med Gull on the Mere this morning.

Swallow over the Reed Bed.

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