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Saturday Sightings

Great to see some of the record count of Black-tailed Godwit starting use the Mere to feed and roost as the water levels are lowered. A minimum of 450 on the Mere and ~ 1000 on Woodend Marsh currently.

Four Wood Sandpiper ( three below) on the Mere. Also on the Mere, 2 Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and a few Snipe.

Wader totals for today.

Wood Sandpiper 4, Green Sandpiper 3, Black-tailed Godwit 1500+, Lapwing 300+, Ruff 10, Snipe 10, Dunlin 7, Little Ringed Plover 4, Avocet 4, Oystercatcher, Common Sandpiper.

Raptors today include Marsh Harrier, Buzzard and Kestrel. Barn Owl hunting late morning.

Sand Martin, House Martin and Swallow all feeding low in the early rain. Swift still present.

At least 4 Common Tern present. Fifteen Shoveler in eclipse plumage. Tufted Ducks with assorted young (near fledged to recently hatched).

Yellow Wagtail and Corn Bunting just off the reserve on Curlew Lane.

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