Saturdays sightings

Common Shelduck by Joe Connolly (Archive Duck)
Common Shelduck by Joe Connolly (Archive Duck)

The Rushy

COMMON CRANE The pair have one youngster and still incubating the second egg, we hope it will hatch in the next 24hrs

Avocet 26
Oystercatcher 3
Common Tern 2
Sedge Warbler 1

The South Lake

Avocet 25
Black-tailed Godwit 30
Great-crested Grebe 2

The Holden Tower

Avocet 24

The Tack Piece

Green Sandpiper 1

The Zeiss Hide

Avocet 28
Lapwing 10
Shelduck 40
Gadwall 80

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