See the Birds & the Bees May Bank holiday weekend

Hoverfly Volucella inanis - Richard Bullock
Hoverfly Volucella inanis - Richard Bullock

WWT Arundel Wetland Centre is holding an Insect Fest on May 4-6 Bank Holiday weekend of crafts, trails and activities that focus on the little things in life – the insects.  Families can also watch for warblers, tits and other songbirds that are currently singing and nest building on the reserve while wild mallard ducklings and moorhen chicks wander the pathways.

During Insect Fest visitors can catch the buzz from the Sussex Beekeepers display in the visitor centre on May 4-5. Each afternoon of the Bank Holiday weekend special Bug Hunting sessions will be held in the Wildlife Garden and Creeping & Crawling Crafts take place inside the visitor centre. The Pond Dipping station is open and the free Wetland Discovery Boat Safaris are running all weekend.

People don’t think of insects when they think of wildlife and tend to view all insects as pests. “Insects have a purpose” said Paul Stevens, WWT grounds manager “Wasps have a bad reputation but many types do not even attack people. Parasitic wasps help humans by preying on other insects that harm crops.”  Since the 1950’s the bee population in the UK has declined by 50%. Bees are the major pollinators of fruit, vegetables and grains that make up a third of the human diet.

Come and enjoy the sights, buzzes and birdsong of new life during Insect Fest this spring at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre. Open 9:30am-5:30pm each day WWT Arundel Wetland Centre is located on Mill Road, Arundel BN18 9PB. Call 01903 881530 for more information.


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