September WeBS count and sightings

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS).

Again, no sign of the Lesser Yellowlegs today.

Peaks Counts for today's WeBS

18 Cormorant
11 Little Egret
4 Grey Heron
65 Mute Swan
425 Greylag Goose
75 Canada Goose
150 Barnacle Goose
141 Shelduck
142 Wigeon
42 Gadwall
476 Teal
564 Mallard
1 Pintail
67 Shoveler
5 Pochard
109 Tufted Duck
2 Water Rail
68 Moorhen
68 Coot
1 Avocet
5 Grey Plover
62 Lapwing
10 Ringed Pover
98 Black-tailed Godwit
4 Bar-tailed Godwit
138 Curlew
3 Knot
21 Ruff

9 Curlew Sandpiper
350 Dunlin
1 Little Stint
1 Common Sandpiper
1 Green Sandpiper
18 Redshank
9 Snipe
3 Kingfisher
9 Little Grebe
481 Black-headed Gull
12 LBB Gull
44 Herring Gull
8 GBB Gull

Other sightings included

Siskin and Redpoll at the South Finger

6+ Blackcap from Willow Hide.

Cranes on the Dumbles.

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