Shelducks begin displaying in groups

We've reached that 'pre-spring' period when groups of Shelduck gather to display together. Listen for the subtle (and not so subtle) sounds that they produce when in courtship. The females have a rather harsh growl and the males peep softly.

Rushy Hide

110 Bewick's Swans roosted and the usual gathering of Pintail, Pochard, Tufted Duck and Shelduck joined them, many of the birds will move out to the reserve for the day. Three Oystercatcher were on the causeway.

Martin Smith Hide

The Jack Snipe was showing very well at times this morning, 8 Common Snipe and Water Rail were feeding on the islands.

Tack Piece

25 Ruff, 2 Oystercatcher, 18+ Redshank, 30+ Curlew, 500 Dunlin including the out of season but fully breeding plumaged bird. Golden Plover Plover and Lapwing flocks were building up for the day and the E. White-fronted Geese returned from the north fields to drink, wash and feed.

Holden Tower

Two Peregrine on the rocks at Tite's Point, six Cranes and two Oystercatcher on the Dumbles. 110 Wigeon on the Pill Box Pool.

South Lake

A further increase for Avocet with 8 now present, 46 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Snipe, 3 Oystercatcher, c30 Dunlin and two Great Crested Grebe on the deep lake.

Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide

360 Wigeon, 18 Pintail, 12 Pochard and a few hundred Lapwing on the field.

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