Shingle island progress

WA Shingle Islands 24 Sep 2015
Wader Lake's shingle island project is nearing completion

The shingle island project at Wader Lake is nearing completion and our staff and volunteers have been hard at it today moving large stones into place around the edges of the new habitat.

The current island - home to some of the UK’s most northerly breeding avocet - has reached capacity for nesting and more birds are prospecting than can be accommodated, so we're extending and enhancing the habitat with a generous £21.4K grant from Biffa Award.

WA Shingle Islands 24 Sep 2015 (2)
The team hard at work (view from the bank at the heron hedge)

As well as increasing potential nesting space for avocets – once declared extinct as a breeding species in the UK – a host of other wading bird species will benefit from the improvements too, including a significant local population of breeding common tern.

Gillian French, Biffa Award Programme Manager, said: “We’re thrilled to be supporting WWT’s work to boost the numbers of these rare wading birds. This project is an excellent example of how the Landfill Communities Fund can help to rebuild biodiversity across the UK, and encourage more communities to engage with wildlife.”

WA Shingle Islands 24 Sep 2015 (1)
The extended islands will support a number of wading bird species

Biffa Award is a multi-million pound fund that helps to build communities and transform lives through awarding grants to community and environmental projects across the UK (


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