
Two Wood Sandpipers (adult + juv) were found this evening on Sunleys from Ron Barker Hide, they were calling frequently. Also Green Sandpiper from Harrier Hide and Common Sandpiper from Ron Barker, also the 1st summer Golden Plover was present along with 31+ Ruff and 1000+ Lapwing. Still plenty of Snipe around with at least 25+ being seen.

1st summer Golden Plover showing worn brown outer primaries and worn brown wing coverts (T. Disley)
1st summer Golden Plover showing worn brown outer primaries and worn brown wing coverts (T. Disley)

Wood Sandpiper with Ruff distantly (T. Disley)
Wood Sandpiper (left) with Ruff distantly (T. Disley)

Marsh Harriers continue to show well with at least 3 birds, also several Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk being seen.

Numbers of Teal increasingly with at least 500, also 3 juv Shelduck, 65+ Gadwall, 50+ Shoveler


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