
Another excellent day with a few new birds in, best of which was a group of 15 Greenland White-fronted Geese which were seen from Ron Barker Hide, unfortunately they didn't stay around for too long. Also new in today were the first Avocets, a group of 5 birds, this coincides with other Avocets today being seen at Marshside and on the Wirral.

At least 1 Woodcock was again showing well up until it was flushed by people going on the banking, when watching or looking for the Woodcocks, PLEASE be as quiet as possible and DO NOT go up the banking. The birds will show and give good views if we all remain very quiet.

Other waders today included a group of 4 Curlew, 78 Oystercatcher, several Snipe, 2000+ Lapwing including an aberrant bird with lots of white in the wing, 60+ Ruff and 25+ Black-tailed Godwit

Aberrant Lapwing with extra white in the wings (T. Disley)

The male Brambling continues to show well from the Janet Kear Hide, although a long wait can sometimes be required before it appears. Also good numbers of Reed Buntings using the feeding station as well as small numbers of Greenfinch, Chaffinch and Tree Sparrows.

The Tawny Owl was again showing well near Kingfisher hide.

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