
An appearance of 3 Cattle Egrets this afternoon was one of the highlights of the year so far, unfortunately they didn't hang around for longer than a couple of hours, on view from Ron Barker Hide they spent much of their time partly hidden behind some vegetation. They may well be part of the group of six birds that have been in the Birkdale/Southport area recently.

Two of three Cattle Egrets that appeared from the Ron Barker Hide in the afternoon (T. Disley)

Other sightings today include a Swallow and a trickle of Sand Martins passing through the reserve. Also Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler singing around the reserve today.

At least 5 Mediterranean Gulls were on the Mere through the day, a pair of adults, a single adult and a 2nd summer bird with an injured left leg, also an adult from Ron Barker Hide. The recent Green ringed adult bird from 25th March this year was ringed as a pullus (unfleged juvenile) in northern France, it was then subsequently reported once more from northern France before being reported a further 35 times in mainly Lancashire and a couple of times in Cheshire.

Four Kestrel seen today including a pair seen copulating, also 4+ Common Buzzard.

Still at least 12 Ruff on site and good numbers of Avocet and Oystercatcher. Also a single Ringed Plover.

The pair of Great Crested Grebe are back in front of Harrier Hide looking set for another breeding attempt.


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