
The Med Gull bonanza continues with at least 10 birds in the last 2 days, including the 'polish' ringed male and female which are looking increasingly like they are getting ready to nest which would be a first for the reserve and possibly a first for any WWT reserve.

Mediterranean Gull pair, ad male with presumed Polish ring and the female which is a 2nd sum/3rd cal year bird (T. Disley)

Two new Med Gulls today were both 1st sum/2nd cal year birds including one with a presumed Irish ring (awaiting ring confirmation) which both appeared on the island with the tree stump on the Mere.

The two new 1st sum/2nd cal year Mediterranean Gulls which appeared today (T. Disley)

A group of 4 Mediterranean Gulls different to the 'Polish' ringed pair (T. Disley)

Other sightings over the last couple of days included 2 Little Ringed Plover today on the Mere one of which was display flighting this afternoon, also 5 Ringed Plover this morning on the Mere brought down by the strong wind and occasional rain. Still 2+ Little Egret around the reserve.

Yesterday a 1st sum/2nd cal year male Merlin was seen distantly from UU Hide, as well as more Sand Martin heading north through the reserve.

Please call in to the In Focus shop to report your sightings or for any information on where to see birds on the reserve.

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