
A few new sightings for the year today, the first Whimbrel was seen from UU Hide along with a good slection of other waders which included 2 Common Sandpiper, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 5+ Ruff as well as the usual Lapwing, Redshank and Avocet.

Common Sandpiper on the Mere this morning (T. Disley)

At least 3 Mediterranean Gulls were seen on the Mere (2 x 1st sum/2nd cal yr & 1 3rd cal year)

The first Wheatear was seen from Ron Barker, also a Grey Wagtail from here, while a Cetti's Warbler was seen/heard from Harrier Hide.

More Swallows were obvious around the reserve today and just off site a female Merlin was seen along Curlew Lane

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