
Highlight of the day was an Osprey which was seen heading north being mobbed by Gulls late afternoon, the first sighting of the year. April is THE month to see Osprey pass through locally. Other sightings today included a new Marsh Harrier, a male seen over the reedbed walk area. At least 10 Buzzard and a Kestrel were the only other raptors reported today.

At least 3 Whimbrel were noted, one from UU Hide and 2 over the Mere late morning. A walk around the reedbed walk area revealed plenty of warblers including the first Reed and Sedge Warblers, also Whitethroat as well as 4+ Blackcap, 4 Willow Warbler, 4 Chiffchaff and a pair of Bullfinch, a Treecreeper was also seen. At least 1 White Wagtail was seen from UU Hide.

At least 1 1st sum/2nd cal year Mediterranean Gull was on the Mere, also a probable hybrid Black-headed Gull x Mediterranean Gull seen briefly.

A good showing of Butterflies too with 8+ Orangetip, 3 Brimstone, lots of Peacock and a single Comma.

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