
A good day with a few new birds, the best of which for rarity value was the diminutive Temminck's Stint that was refound on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide. Martin Mere is probably the premier site in the Northwest for this species, with many records over the years.

The Temminck's Stint digiscoped distantly on Woodend Marsh (T. Disley)

A welcome return of Ruff today with a gorgeous male on the Mere all morning which was then joined by a second male early afternoon which caused the first male to start displaying.

Male Ruff displaying on the Mere today (T. Disley)

Another new bird was a male Ruddy Shelduck on the Mere most of the morning before relocating to Ron Barker Hide in the afternoon, it would appear to be the bird that was present at Marshside recently on account of it's rather pale head.

Ruddy Shelduck on the Mere this evening (T. Disley)

Up to 4 Little Ringed Plover on the Mere in the morning as well as a Ringed Plover. The Great Crested Grebes from Harrier Hide are nesting again.

A Tawny Owl was on view yesterday and today just inside the collection by Janet Kear in the tall Poplar Trees on the right.

Tawny Owl digiscoped near Janet Kear Hide (T. Disley)

Yesterday evening at least 4 Yellow Wagtail just off site along Curlew Lane also a female Wheatear there and Red-legged Partridge.

Please pop in to In Focus to report any sightings or for any digiscoping enquiries.

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