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A quiet day for new sightings but plenty of new chicks hatching everyday as well as plenty more yet to hatch. Two pair of Common Tern are currently sitting on eggs on the Mere which is the first time they have bred on the Mere.

Another 4 Avocet chicks hatched today on the Mere, also still a Little Ringed Plover sitting on eggs which should be due for hatching any day now.

Great Crested Grebe with 2 chicks in front of Harrier Hide also Tufted Duck, Shoveler and Pochard on view from here. Good numbers of Gadwall around the Mere with recent counts of 32 birds, also several Pochard and Tufted Duck. A male Teal also in the morning on the Mere.

The Cuckoo was again calling from the canoe safari/reedbed walk area. Still a few male Chiffchaff singing around the reserve.

Song Thrush busy gathering food by In Focus shop, Mistle Thrush fairly regular on the overflow car park also a singing male Goldcrest by Gladstone Hide.

A number of Black-tailed Godwits on Woodend Marsh also one on the Mere all day.

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