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Willow Tit

The Willow Tit continues to show, Peregrine performing well, lots of Pink-footed Geese and a few Migrant Hawker Dragonflies - Photo by Jim Bevin

The Willow Tit is still visiting the feeders at Janet Kear Hide, giving a good opportunity to see this declining species.

A few thousand Pink-footed Geese were in Plover field on and off through the day and plenty of skeins in the wider area.

Two adult Mediterranean Gull were among 200 Black-headed Gull and 2 Common Gull on the Mere in the morning. Also hundreds of Teal on the Mere and plenty of Snipe on the Mere and around the reserve, also at least 21 Ruff among the Lapwing flock and 4 Black-tailed Godwit.

A Peregrine put on a good show attempting to catch Teal on the Mere in the morning but failing. Also a Merlin was reported from Ron Barker Hide in the afternoon and at least 6 Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and 5 Common Buzzard.

A Cetti's Warbler was heard singing in the Kingfisher Hide area.

4 Swallows and a late single Sand Martin flew through late afternoon

At least 8 or 9 Migrant Hawkers just by Harrier Hide this afternoon

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