
A juv/1st winter Great-crested Grebe was new in this morning on the Mere probably moved on from somewhere with the freezing temperatures overnight. Still 2-3 Goldeneye on the Mere most days including a fine looking male.

A good showing for raptors with 3 Peregrine today along with a single juv/fem Merlin, also up to 3 Sparrowhawk and 5+ Marsh Harrier as well as the usual 2-3 Kestrel and several Common Buzzard.

A Water Rail was showing again on the edge of the reed bed on the left hand side of Vinson's from Ron Barker Hide also a Kingfisher here as well.

A good count of at least 101 Ruff on the Mere, also 2 Redshank, 50+ Black-tailed Godwit and 20+ Snipe.

In recent days Blackcap and several Goldcrest's have been seen around the reserve also Redwing and Fieldfare and Great-spotted Woodpecker.

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