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Sightings and news to week ending 23 March

Tuesday 18 March

Kingfisher news

We appear to have at least three pairs of Kingfishers about the reserve, one pair have now become very active at the nest hole opposite the Kingfisher Hide. We have closed the windows up while they breed to prevent disturbing them. Despite this, great views can be had of the the comings and goings of the pair. The male has been presenting fish to the female and both have been in/out of the nest hole throughout recent days. Other birds are being seen regularly around the South Lake and adjacent ditches with a number of sightings from Willow/Knott Hide.

Winter visitors

Both Bewick's (Furry and Furrow) and Whooper Swan pairs remain on site today, they can be seen either in the Rushy or Tack Piece. At least 121 Russian White-fronted Geese were counted this morning, the current pattern is for the begin the day at the Four Score Ground then move, often drinking on the Top New Piece and then grazing on the Dumbles, this morning they moved to the Severn sands as the tide flooded. As you can see from last week's report, we still had high numbers of Wigeon on site, probably bolstered by new birds stopping as they pass through but we should see them departing over the coming week or so. The Tack Piece still holds a large flock with a smaller group at the Top New Piece.

Other highlights today included the following.

Top New Piece

Single Ruff, 17 Lapwing, 8 Redshank, 2 Oystercatcher, 110 Wigeon, 40 Shelduck, singing Reed Buntings and a few Linnets on the seawall hedge.

Estuary Tower

Singing and displaying Meadow Pipit at Middle Point, singing Dunnock, 7 Little and a Great Egret sunning at the Pill Box Pool early morning with another in the Long Ground. Two Little Stint on the Dumbles scrape with four Avocet and a pair of Oystercatcher and a small flock of Wigeon and Teal.

South Lake

Single Ruff, 16 Black-tailed Godwit, 89 Avocet, 1 Lapwing, 4 Oystercatcher + 14 Pochard + flocks of Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Gadwall, Shoveler, and Teal, a few pairs of Greylag and Canada Geese.


Monday 17 March

Estuary Tower

On the Dumbles scrape, a male White Wagtail called in and joined a male Pied Wagtail in the morning.

Kingfisher Hide

Female Kingfisher outside the nest hole, 100+ Russian White-fronted Geese in the Four Score field but moved to Dumbles/Top New Piece.

Bottom New Piece

Ten Lapwing, lots of display.

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