Sightings and news to week ending 9 February
3 February
Lots of birdsong today- Reed Bunting, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Dunnock all heard and the first breeding season arrival Oystercatchers have started to 'argue' over territory, we now we have at least five on site.
The Russian White-fronted Goose flock increased again to 115 birds, they were mostly favouring the fields around the South Finger, especially the Four Score viewable from the Kingfisher Hide. The flock was flushed by something unknown and dispersed to the fields between the canal and South Finger, they can only be viewed from the canal towpath when feeding here, if you try to view from the canal please be careful not to disturb them.
The Glossy Ibis continues to feed on site, favouring the field on the North side of the entrance road adjacent to car park, do not enter the field or pass beyond the no entry or no access signs please.
One of the two drake Green-winged Teals was again present on South Lake wader scrape.
The Spoonbill is still here favouring the South Lake as a roost site and often feeding in the Tack Piece floods.
72 Bewick's Swans and two Whooper Swans were at the Rushy or Tack Piece.
South Lake
Two Oystercatcher, 10 Avocet, 31 Black-tailed Godwit, 500 Lapwing and busy with ducks.
Estuary Tower
Two Little Stints at the Dumbles scrape and a Peregrine on the foreshore, it was making hunting forays over the reserve.
Tack Piece
Ruff, Redshank, Dunlin, Curlew, Golden Plover and Lapwing.