Sightings for 30 December 2023

Highlights today included the following

Oystercatcher on the Dumbles, the first returning 'Spring' migrant today, back to claim a territory

South Lake

350 Dunlin, 494 Black-tailed Godwits, 8Tufted Duck, 5 Gadwall, 44Pochard, 19 Avocet, 147 Shoveler, 1000 Lapwing, c200 Teal.

Top New Piece

17 Russian White-fronted Geese (broods of 6, 2 and 3) very close to Van de Bovenkamp Hide, 5 Avocet, 800+ Teal, 500 Black-tailed Godwit at 0945hrs.

Tack Piece

Adult Pink-footed and Lesser White-fronted Goose among the Canada Geese. 24 Ruff, Spotted and 51 Redshank on the scrape shore, Golden Plover, Dunlin and Lapwing flocks now arriving, Marsh Harrier and 2 Grey Egrets in/over fields to the North, Chiffchaff below Estuary Tower.

Estuary Tower

Cetti's Warbler, Little Stint on the Dumbles scrape islands among the Wigeon/Teal/Shoveler. Peregrine on the foreshore posts and a high tide roost of 300+ Curlew and 35 GBB Gull.

Willow Hide

Water Rail under the feeders


Pre-dawn count of Bewick's Swans totalled 94 birds, (14 on Tack Piece and 80 on the Rushy) but another single bird seen in flight, might push it to 95

Pair of Whooper Swans with 27 Bewick's Swans and 29 Russian White-fronted Geese in field NE of car park, best viewed from observation tower at the centre

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