Singing, displaying & nest scraping start

Treecreeper sightings have increased in the wooded areas. Photo: Romney Turner March 1, 2018

The lapwing males are doing display flights over the Wet Grasslands area. Three sets of lapwing pairs seen on the wet grassland from the Lapwing hide – two of the pairs were nest scraping.

Singing around the site are:

  •  Cetti’s warblers
  • Wren
  • Dunnocks
  • song thrushes
  • blackbirds
  • chaffinches

Onsite this week look for...

Along the pathways:

  • bullfinch (feeders)
  • water rail
  • long-tailed tits
  • Cetti’s warblers (singing)
  • wren (singing)
  • dunnocks (singing)
  • song thrushes (singing)
  • blackbirds (singing)
  • chaffinches (singing)

Woodland Loop

  • treecreepers
  • great spotted woodpecker (drumming)
  • goldfinch
  • blue tits (nest boxes)
  • coal tits
  • great tits
  • chaffinch

Lost Reedbed

  • marsh harrier (roost)


  • Water rail
  • Reed bunting
  • sparrowhawk

Lagoons Ramsar, Sand Martin & Scrape hides

  • teal
  • shoveler ducks
  • snipe
  • grey heron
  • tufted ducks
  • shelducks
  • little grebe
  • little egret
  • oystercatcher pair
  • gadwall
  • black-headed gull
  • Mediterranean gull

Wetlands Discovery

  • pochard ducks
  • tufted ducks
  • goldcrest
  • bullfinch
  • green woodpecker (ground)

Arun Riverlife

  • shelducks
  • tufted ducks
  • pochard
  • oystercatcher pair
  • water rail
  • grey wagtail

Wet Grasslands from Lapwing & Ramsar hides

  • snipe
  • teal
  • lapwing (males are displaying & nest scraping)


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