Slimbridge Cygnets


With the New Year, it is a fresh start for the WWT Toddler Group - Slimbridge Cygnets!

With new activities, extra dates and Cygnet membership benefits, there will be something for every toddler.

It will now run on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month during term time

Arrive at 10.30 to catch up with other parents before enjoying a wildlife themed activity at 11am.

Each session will include a wildlife themed activity: from arts and craft or storytelling to Pond Dipping or a Toddler Toad Hall talk.  Take a look at the programme for details.

The cost is £1.50 per child  plus the adult admission fee if a non member.

If you’d like to stay on for lunch afterwards and have more of a chat with other mums, enjoy our offer for Cygnet members in the restaurant: 25% off a child’s hot meal or lunch box if you buy an adult hot meal, plus there a loyalty card for hot drinks too! Buy 9 get the 10th free!

Afterwards why not stay on and feed the birds, let off steam in Welly boot land, or enjoying our new indoor activity play area coming early in 2015 too.

Slimbridge Cygnets is a bookable event, call 01453 891116 to reserve a place or for further information.

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