Snowdrops and spring around the corner?

This cluster of beautiful snowdrops is just one of the signs that spring is round the corner in Gloucestershire.

The wardens at Slimbridge Wetland Centre are always on the lookout for sights and sounds of the different seasons.

Reserve warden James Lees took a picture of this group of snowdrops in the beautiful grounds of Slimbridge on Thursday.

He said: “We have had some sunny days here this week and the birds have started singing. I’ve heard songthrush, wren and robins so far.

“We have also had swans performing the famous courtship display where they form a heart-shape with their necks.

“It is great to see how wildlife changes through the seasons and this time of year is especially exciting as we have lots of wild birds living on the Reserve such as our famous Bewick’s swans.”

Visitors can see the Bewick’s swans at the commented wild bird feeds, which run daily at 4pm until the end of February.

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