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Some Counts

Overcast but calm today. Good condition for scanning. Some counts on the reserve show how much movement has occurred in the past few weeks. Teal numbers are building up nicely with over 3000 using the reserve. Great to watch these small fast ducks avoiding predator action. Other wildfowl counts included 123 Wigeon, 99 Pintail, 44 Gadwall, 37 Shoveler, 1075 Mallard, 19 Shelduck, 8 Pochard, 9 Tufted Duck, 412 Greylag, 6 Canada Geese.

Coots are returning with 206 logged also 175 Moorhen. Other counts included 4 Little Grebe, 6 Grey Heron and 15 Cormorant. Both Little Egret and Great White Egret were present at the weekend. Two Water Rail heard calling on the Reed Bed. Also Cetti's Warbler(s) active there.

The first family party of Whooper Swan were seen yesterday, two adult and 3 juvenile (pic below). Around 130 Whooper Swan have been present, mostly having arrived at the weekend. Fluctuating numbers of Pink-footed Geese but 1000's using the reserve on and off during the day.

Good for raptors with 2 Merlin present yesterday, 3+ Marsh Harrier, 3 Buzzard, 3 Kestrel, Peregrine and 2 Sparrowhawk. Two Barn Owl out and about.

At least 500 Lapwing, 50+ Snipe, a few Ruff and a late Avocet.

Nice to see a few Song Thrush flying over the reserve this morning, presumed migrants.

Do call in to the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide to find out the best place to go for specific species or to report any conuts or sightings you have had.

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