Some last minute specials!

The birds are trying as hard as they can to keep the season going. From a late clutch of Abyssinian blue-winged geese delivered courtesy of Rosemary Sharp, to a late clutch of African white-backs in our breeding aviaries.

I just love both species. The Abby are just so totally affable and affectionate; strolling around after your movements in search of any interesting sources of entertainment. It is so pleasant to be reminded of the season as all memories of it start to slip away to be replaced by strimming, fencing and tidying... They just love the water; and as only Abby blue-wings do, walk along in the water channel with their heads underwater for minutes on end! I am never sure what the are looking for, as it does seem more like an exploration than a game. When locked up in their bed at night they substitute the water channel with their drinker, lying around it in an even fan shape and getting their heads soaking wet!

The African white-back is another favourite, displaying some of the most deplorable roguish attitude! Even as freshly hatched ducklings, they open their mouths to silently scream at you! Mouthing off at you whenever you try to do them a favour, I cannot help but applaud their characters. They make my mornings very happy indeed :)

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