Some welcome sunshine

After a rather wet Wednesday, this morning's sunshine was a welcome change

After a rather wet Wednesday, this morning's sunshine was a welcome change.

South Lake
Flocks of 959 Lapwing, 58 Dunlin and 441 Black-tailed Godwit were roosting on wader scrape. The juvenile Great Crested Grebe and 23 Pochard were on the deep lake.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A busy Tack Piece with a good numbers of Lapwing, Redshank and Ruff mixed in amongst the flocks of Wigeon and Teal.

Estuary Tower
The flock of five Pink-footed Geese were at the north end of the Dumbles this morning. At least 378 Curlew were in the roost on the riverbank as tide rose along with a feeding carpet of Wigeon and 28 Great Black-backed Gulls. Lots of Pintail and Wigeon were also on the river.

Rushy Hide / Peng Observatory
All of our current 54 Bewick's Swans were again present this morning, including three cygnets. Also counted were 168 Shelduck, 116 Pochard and the drake Mandarin.

Zeiss Hide
The adult Cackling Goose was with a flock of 200 Canada and 178 Barnacle Geese on the Bottom New Piece. View from here or the Kingfisher Hide. At least 550 Dunlin were on the Top New Piece, with a Dunlin amongst them. Also of note were 1090 Lapwing, 750+ Wigeon and 37 Pintail. A Water Rail was calling from the reedbed.

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