Spill the beans! WWT Slimbridge has a new cafe


Visitors to WWT Slimbridge have a choice of places to enjoy a cuppa indoors now a new cafe has opened in the foyer.

The new cafe will be open at weekends, during school holidays and on other busy days.

It sells hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and a delicious selection of homemade cakes.

All these items are still available in the Water’s Edge Restaurant along with the hot meals it serves at lunchtime.


coffee picMichael Wride, catering manager, said: “We are delighted to have a new cafe in the visitors centre and it was certainly popular when it opened last weekend.

“It has a slightly different feel to our main restaurant and is great for people who want to grab a quick coffee or snack before they head out. It does also have a nice seating area so on its first weekend we saw quite a few people coming back after a day’s bird watching to relax.”

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